Medical Plan

To International Students Studying in London

This is what peace of mind looks like

£1 per day for 6 months

Join us on

Plan Details:

Up to 4 GP appointments
FREE repeat prescriptions
Access to test results and investigations
Discounted fees for additional GP consultations and nurses procedures
FREE administration support (in case of referral to a specialist)
Clinica gives you an extensive cover during your study in London.
Clinica’s medical plan comes with critically important health information and medical assistance services.
Clinica also provides you with a range of high quality benefits and features that will cover you in the unfortunate event that you become sick or injured and need medical assistance while studying in London.

Please fill in our enquiry form or alternatively, you can contact Clinica directly at 020 7258 3341

Opening hours:

Monday – Friday 10:00 to 18:00
Saturday 10:00 to 16:00
Sunday & Bank Holidays closed


Posted on

January 5, 2013